Wasim Abu Salem

Meet Wasim

Wasim Abu Salem is a serial entrepreneur, visionary leader, computer engineer, and lawyer specializing in cyber-security. Wasim is the Founder & CEO of Loop, a mission-driven combination of youth movement and tech incubator. Loop provides 10,000+ children ages 7-18 with an extra-curricular environment of fun, education and a strong sense of belonging and teamwork.

Wasim is a graduate of the U.S. State Department’s Student Leaders Program and is ranked amongst the world’s 100 most influential young leaders by SE100. He has lectured in numerous universities and conferences worldwide and won grants from a collection of companies and organizations. He has participated in several academic and business programs at Stanford University, Brandeis University, Montana State University, and others. Wasim is transferring all of his knowledge and expertise to the up and coming generations in many ways: through motivational lectures and conventions for school-aged students, lectures on entrepreneurship at a young age to a wide range of audiences, and workshops in tech-related subjects to a variety of age groups.

Learn more about Wasim and his take on education: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyqAeueREo8.